

Is your computer driving you mad?

There’s nothing more frustrating than knowing what computer related task you want to accomplish and not be able to convince the machine to do it!! After numerous failed attempts, you end up feeling exhausted because it seems impossible to complete even a simple task. And despite trying to read the manual, going to an online “Help Desk” or even enlisting the advice of your family, nothing seems to work.

These common problems are why Keys Tutoring is excited to be able to provide students of all ages the computer know how needed to succeed in school or the workplace. Whether you’re trying to create a Word document, create an Excel spreadsheet or even develop a jaw-dropping PowerPoint presentation, we can help!

We tailor our educational experience to provide the exact steps you need in order to utilize the common computer programs in use today.

Keys Tutoring provides training in the following programs:

General Computer 
Computer operation, Internet, email

Computer Software
Adobe programs (Acrobat, Illustrator, Photoshop), Microsoft programs (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Windows, Word), ArcGis, Minitab statistical analysis


Are you ready to get started? Keys Tutoring is ready to help you gain control of your computer!! Call now to reserve your spot before our limited spaces are filled!!